REGISTER VOTERS - NOW through Oct 7, 2024

The FEDDs manage many GOTV efforts, but there are so many great organizations running registration efforts, that we proudly partner with these phenomenal orgs. Get involved with one or multiple of them!

ALL ARE WELCOME in all of these groups.

If you are certified as a VDR, you can register anytime, anywhere, as long as you follow procedures. If you are not a certified VDR, you CAN volunteer to support events, but you can’t register without a certified VDR with you. The VDR will be responsible for turning in the new voter applications.

What’s a VDR?? A “volunteer deputy registrar” is what we call people legally allowed to register voters. It’s one of many Texas voter suppression tactics. Citizens must attend a course to be certified to help a fellow citizen register to vote. Silly, but we work with what we have.